Progress Report (05/03): Work, work…

This update is a bit delayed, because I’ve been rather preoccupied preparing for my business trip to San Francisco this month; I’m attending Game Connection, an event held in tandem with GDC (Game Developer’s Conference). A lot of planning and up-front work is involved, and we’re crunching hard to get our game presentable in time. It looks like we’re going to make it, but it is uncomfortably close.

In short, my workload has picked up again this past month and is spiking this week and last week, but is set to calm back down in a couple of weeks for a much longer period of time – as far as I currently know, at least.

That said, I did have a less busy period in the beginning of this month, and the story saw some progress in that time: ~2.5 k words were written in sessions spread out over a week. The words I write are still rather loosely distributed over the next arc (and a few hundred words fell beyond even that), rather than concentrated on the next chapters specifically, but progress is progress. Alas, the lore post saw no work at all.

As I was still a little busy and preoccupied with work even back then, I see this as a positive indicator for the future, though it’s still nowhere near the speed of writing that I would like to maintain when all this fuss calms down, as it is indeed beginning to.

For now, though, the hiatus remains in effect. The light of day is slowly eating away the dark night of hiatus, the horizon brightening as the sun creeps closer – but it’s not quite dawn yet.

Until next time.