Progress Report (12/06): The Procrastinator Strikes Back

Sorry about the late update. I’ll try to keep this update brief; lots of stuff happened last month (and the first third of this month), but sadly, not much of it has to do with IFF.

I’ll get the IFF stuff out of the way first: I have not even opened the IFF project files in Scrivener since the last update. Hence, no words have been written for a while, now.

Most of it has to do with the fact that I will soon be moving halfway across the country, and this occupies some mental space. More importantly, I recently learned that my company will receive a year’s funding to work on what is essentially a dream project of ours – so that’s great. There’s a lot of paperwork and such related to that. Still, that uncertain future I talked about last update has just become a lot more certain, at least for a bit more than a year.

I’m still not sure exactly how much time I’ll have in the future, but this was pretty much the best case scenario for what could happen on a lot of levels. The stability this will afford me is bound to benefit IFF.

So on that note, I’ll beg off for this month, and next month’s update in around three weeks. Don’t count on seeing much progress for the next month and a half, what with moving, getting the funding rolling, and a major family trip looming. After that, though… well, right now it seems like things ought to settle down right around then, but I’ve been saying that things will settle down in a few months for over a year now, so I think I’ll just hope for the best, but expect that I’ll find myself super busy with something like usual.

Until next time! (Which will be in august.)